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Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Dr. Debra J. Johnson | Director
Voices of Tamar had its inception in 2011 as a social action committee initiative with Wesley United Methodist Women, Austin Texas. The committee evolved into a focus group with women and men from the greater Austin area. We addressed the importance of involving faith communities in speaking to the needs of families and individuals, including community members affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse. Our ultimate goal was to produce a confidential Christian information and vetted referral based resource guide to support families and community members. It was completed and distributed in 2014. Prior to that time, we hosted workshops and meetings conducted by SafePlace, Gateway Church Circle of Healing, and the Austin Police Department to bring awareness about domestic violence, partner violence and other life altering experiences.
In 2015, Voices of Tamar became a stand-alone ministry at Wesley United Methodist Church (WUMC). We continued to provide information, resources and workshops to churches, families and individuals within the greater Austin area. In the Fall of 2018, Voices of Tamar transitioned from being a ministry at WUMC to a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We have expanded our mission and function to serve as a confidential, spiritual, and educational resource for survivors of domestic/family violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and human trafficking within our communities.
Every day, there are women and men like Tamar, who hide behind invisible walls of silence for the domestic violence or sexual assault they have suffered (Adams, 2014). Voices of Tamar will continue to give the Tamar’s of our community a place to find their voices by sharing conversations and interactive initiatives to help remove the burden of shame. Tamar (2 Samuel 13:1-22) continues to be our inspiration in reaching out to individuals having experienced trauma in their lives.
Dr. Johnson is a mother of two adult children and a grandson. She will continue to be vigilant in supporting families and individuals, as she understands the emotional impact of trauma.
Tanya Watkins Dorris | Treasurer
An author, writer, blogger, and mentor who bring understanding of the effects that trauma and shame have on hearts, minds, and bodies due to domestic violence and neglect. She is a survivor with 35 years of marriage, 4 children and 3 grandchildren. Tanya's passion is to educate and help survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence find their voice and become who they were created to be. Tanya co-founded Youth With a Mission Austin Liberty Frontiers (YWAM Austin) with her husband, Jon, to impart hope and healing through training and discipleship. Publishing and her novel Restoring Shards of Shame has enabled Tanya to actively engage with those seeking a life of wholeness and freedom.
Florence Smythe-Macaulay | Board Memeber
Florence experienced the effects of Hurricane Katrina in her native hometown of New Orleans, La.; she brings a loving and caring attitude to individuals and families living in the Austin area. The life she spent in Sierra Leon, West Africa, for over 13 years exposed her to a patriarchal society. Women and girls were seen but usually not heard, and violence in the homes and relationships were not uncommon. She has dedicated time and effort to encourage young women and men to realize that violent conduct and love are not the same.
Florence is a widowed mother of three sons and three grandchildren. She is a former educator and current member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., including other community organizations that address the needs of women and young adults.
Dwanna Lumpkin | Volunteer
Dwanna is an extraordinary volunteer who maintains our social media and website page. She is a survivor and divorced mother of two children. She believes that forgiveness is a significant factor in healing, and is passionate about helping others to recognize and appreciate the value of their voices. Dwanna offers support to small start-up businesses by advertising its brand through the Bliss Plum Tree website and social media platforms.
Mari Frances Wylie | Member of Voices of Tamar
“Mari was a giver to others and shared her love with everyone she met. She was deeply spiritual and a lifelong member of the United Methodist Church. She was passionate about supporting the vulnerable and providing her services to organizations and churches dedicated to helping those in need.”
Mari is truly missed. She was an active member and supporter to Voices of Tamar.
- John 16:33